Board Volunteers

New Jersey Local Master Swimming Committee (NJLMSC)

Current Officers

Jerry O'Mara
Responsible for the day-to-day management of the business affairs of the LMSC.  The Chair calls and organizes the LMSC meetings (currently held quarterly), liaison to Colonies Zone and to USMS.
Chris McGiffin

The Vice Chair shall preside at all meetings of the NJ LMSC when the Chair is absent. The Vice Chair shall have all of the powers and duties of the Chair when the Chair is unable or incapable of performing such duties and responsibilites. In addition, the Vice Chair shall assist the Chair and any other officers, and perform such duties as assigned by the Chair.
Membership Coordinator
Tom Brunson
Responsible for coordinating swimmer and club registrations for the LMSC with the USMS National Office and being a resource for swimmers, clubs, meet directors and LMSC officers regarding membership inquiries and rosters.
Mike Recchia
Responsible for preparing and presenting the annual budget and financial statements.  Maintains all records, budgets and financial statements.
Michele Sprietsma
Responsible for communication of LMSC and USMS information to the NJ LMSC membership.  Responsible for taking the minutes at the board meetings and for the annual meetings.  Filing with the National office approved Annual Meeting minutes.  Correspondence of LMSC information to Nationals and other LMSCs as required.
Top Ten/Records
Ed Tsuzuki
Submits the results of all sanctioned or recognized LMSC meets held in the New Jersey LMSC to the National Chair, for Top Ten consideration.  Processes applications for National and FINA World record consideration for times swum at these meets.  Maintains the New Jersey LMSC records.
Sanctions & Safety Chair
Lorna Ciadella-Morehead
Responsible for issuing, withdrawing and withholding sanctions and recognition to meets conducted with the LMSC.  Assists meet directors in scheduling dates to prevent conflicts.  Monitors meets for USMS rules compliance.
Newsletter Editor/Graphic Designer
Sara Johnston
Responsible for the content, organization, layout and editing and general preparation of the LMSC newsletter and its duplication and distribution.
Events Coordinator
Paola Morchio
Responsible for developing and organizing social events for the LMSC membership, including the annual NJ LMSC Awards Banque
Ad Hoc Positions
Officials Chair
Marie Vellucci
Works with the National Officials Committee and local certified officials to insure that sanctioned and recognized meets are officiated in accordance with USMS rules.  Responsible for any USMS officials certification programs conducted within the LMSC.
Coaches Chair Responsible for organizing and running swim clinics for the NJ LMSC membership. Maintains a current contact list of the Masters coaches within the NJ LMSC and passes along to them correspondence from the National Coaches Committee as needed
Fitness Chair
Linda Brown-Kuhn
Work with the national fitness committee to study and develop fitness swimming activities for the general membership and educate adults on the fitness benefits of swimming.
Open Water Chair
Marie Vellucci
Responsible for maintaining an open water calendar for the LMSC, organization of any open water swims and organization of the end of summer picnic and open water swim.
Responsible for maintaining the LMSC website on a timely basis and coordinating the web site with National and Zone webmasters.
Special Projects Work on special board projects as needed.

Other Ad Hoc Positions:

  • Marketing & Publicity
  • Graphic Designer
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Regional Meet Coordinator
  • Clinics Coordinator
  • Social Chair

Click here to access the NJ LMSC By Laws